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Here at Thorndale Furnishers we are delighted to offer a fantastic, quality collection of bronze finish animal and figurative pieces.

All pieces are hand-made and sculptured by a group of skilled British artists who care about their subject and whose passion is beautifully captured in each finished article.

Covering most popular subjects; Hares and a fantastic selection of Cat sculptures by Paul Jenkins, this quality collection also includes a wonderful selection of Otters, Dogs, Highland Cattle, Equine, Farmyard and other animal sculptures, manufactured by hand and with great care by skilled craftsmen and women.

Please note the following important information if you are considering viewing one of the following products.

Whilst we strive to regularly update our Accessories section and the products shown within, featured items can be discontinued at any time and sometimes without our knowledge.

We would therefore ask that before undertaking a journey to view one of the following products, that you contact us here at the store to ensure its availability.

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